A Celebration of American Music — Klasika u Wericha
Tue, Jun 27
The opening American Concert of the 3rd year of the Classical Concerts at Werich’s music festival will feature American soprano Bree Nichols, "finger-style" guitarist Martin Homola and pianist Jan Mára.
Jun 27, 2023, 7:00 PM GMT+2
Prague, Prague, Czechia
Zahajovací Americký koncert 3. ročníku hudebních slavností Klasika u Wericha uvede americkou sopranistku Bree Nichols, „finger-style“ kytaristu Martina Homolu a klavíristu Jana Máru. Dramaturgie letošních slavností balancuje na hraně pojmu „co je klasika“. V americkém kontextu uvede nejen klasické písně či árie z oper, ale i spirituály či kytarové kusy v Americe žijících Australanů T. Emmanuela, J. Robinsona.
Program: A. Copland: Laurie’s Song (The Tender Land) R. I. Gordon: The Red Dress, A Lullaby M. Willson: Till There Was You (The Music Man) J. Robinson: Blue Moon, Midnight in Nashville T. Emmanuel: The Hunt A. Smith: Guitar Boogie C. Floyd: Ain’t It a Pretty Night, The Trees on the Mountain (Susannah) E. O. Excell a J. Newton: Amazing Grace M. Hogan: výběr spirituálů E. L. Garner: Misty Bonus
The opening American Concert of the 3rd year of the Classical Concerts at Werich’s music festival will feature American soprano Bree Nichols, "finger-style" guitarist Martin Homola and pianist Jan Mára. The dramaturgy of this year's festival balances on the edge of the notion of "what is classical." In the American context, it will present not only classical songs or arias from operas but also spirituals or guitar pieces by Australians living in America, such as T. Emmanuel and J. Robinson.